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About me

“In a hole in the ground there lived an idiot1…”, that idiot is me. My name is Alberto, I am based in Italy and maybe I am being a bit harsh on myself, but I certainly have an uncanny ability for bad timing. Let me explain.

Whiskey has been an on and off interest for me for the best part of 25 years, but I have really taken the plunge and decided to deep dive into the topic only about 6 months ago.

The reason why I call myself an idiot is that I lived in Scotland for over a decade before Brexit. Did I deep dive into the wonderful world of single malt while I lived there? Hah! That would have been too simple. While I did have my fair share of lovely and sometimes rare drams while living in beautiful Caledonia, instead of exploring the national drink of the Scots (after IrnBru clearly), I got into wine (an Italian learning about wine in Scotland!), studied, sampled and managed to get a WSET level 3 award in wine for my efforts. Whisky remained an occasional interest back then.

Now back in Italy, a country with a very limited, and pricey, whiskey market I finally caught the whiskey bug and here I am, writing this blog which shares my journey of whiskey (re)discovery.

So now that you know about me, feel free to draw your own conclusions. Whether you believe me to be an idiot, a fool, a champion of bad timing or just a victim of fate, I hope you will follow me in this journey of discovery, sharing your suggestions, experiences and opinions.



1Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Hobbit” chapter 1